If the author is interested in publishing articles at Conciencia, the author must follow the steps below:
Prepare the script with the following format criteria (see template for full format description)
- Articles can be written in Indonesian or English.
- Articles must be scientific, both based on empirical research. Article content is not approved in any journal, and may not be given in conjunction with other journals. Articles may not be part of a full chapter of a thesis or dissasi.
- Articles must be typed using word processing software (Microsoft Word). The font used on all papers is Times New Roman. A4 paper size, one point fifteen (1.15) spaces, justified. The page number must be entered in the text located in the footer section of each page.
- Articles must be in the range between 4000-10,000 words, excluding titles, abstracts, keywords, and references.
- Articles from the basis of research consisting of various parts: namely title, author's name, relationship, e-mail address, abstract (150-250 words), keywords (maximum 5 words), introduction, research methods, discussion, research findings , discussions, conclusions, and references.
- Title cannot be more than 15 words. This is your chance to attract the reader's attention. Remember that readers are potential writers who will quote your article. Identify the main problems of this paper. Start with the subject of the paper. The title must be accurate, not ambiguous, specific and complete. Don't use abbreviations that are rarely used. The title of the writing must be typed in bold 14 pt Times New Roman.
- The author's name must be 12 pt Times New Roman. Author affiliation must be 12 pt Times New Roman.
- The author's name must be written in full language without an academic degree (degree), and equipped with security membership according to the appropriate address (email address).
- Abstract consists of research objectives; research methods; main research findings, brief discussion; and approved for study disciplines. Abstracts must be written in English and Indonesian.
- Introduction consists of library conclusions (it would be better if the research findings from other studies are not more than five years), the contribution between theory and research is the novelty of the article; the discussion room and the limitations of the issues discussed; and the main argument of the article.
- The Research Method consists of a description of research design, data collection techniques and data analysis techniques.
- The research findings consisted of the results of data analysis for each research question.
- The discussion consisted of the process of reasoning reasoning of the main articles about the research findings compared to other research findings and supporting theories.
- Conclusions consist of answering research problems, based on the main research findings. theoretical / conceptual construction.
- References must be written correctly. In writing a quote, it would be better and inviting to use quote manager software, such as Mendeley and Zotero, by following the APA Style 6th Edition standard.
- Articles must be free of plagiarism.