JIP (Jurnal Ilmiah PGMI) is a scientific journal published by Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang. The articles published are articles from the results of empirical research (quantitative, qualitative, and Research and Development approach) and literature research or thought study contributing to the development of science about Education in Elementary Schools / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Teacher Education for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, and Teacher Education for Elementary School.

The first article was published in June 2015. This journal is published twice per year on a regular basis, in June and December edition by an online system/ Open Journal System (OJS). Each edition publishes 8 articles. Alhamdulillah, through the struggle of the Editorial Team, in 2019, starting from publication of Volume 4 Number 1 in 2018, it has been accredited SINTA 4. The next target of JIP (Jurnal Ilmiah PGMI) is to get Sinta 2 accreditation and in the end it is targeted to be indexed by SINTA 1 and Scopus. Therefore, the JIP Team (Jurnal Ilmiah PGMI) conduct innovation and improvement of quality by recruiting competent Editors and Reviewers from within and outside the country. In 2021, starting from the publication of Volume 7 Number 1 of 2021, the articles have published are in english full text.

In 2022, JIP (Jurnal Ilmiah PGMI) has also indexed by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). At 7 Desember 2022, Through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Number 225/E/KPT/2022, JIP (Jurnal Ilmiah PGMI) is accredited SINTA Rank 3 as of the issue of Volume 8 Number 1 2022.