Jurnal Semiotika-Q: Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Science is a Scientific Journal published by the Master's Program in Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Sciences, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought, Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang. This Semiotics-Q Journal was first published in June 2021 under the Chief Editor, Nurchalidin, Lc., MA. Articles that can be published in the Jurnal Semiotika-Q: Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir are articles from empirical research (quantitative or qualitative approaches), literature studies or thought studies that are seen as contributing to the development of Qur'anic Science 'an and Tafsir done individually or in groups. The main target audience for this journal are academics, practitioners, lecturers, postgraduate students and other professionals who are interested in the Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir.

Starting from the publication of Volume 1 Number 1 in 2021, the manuscripts of articles published in the Jurnal Semiotika-Q: Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Science are as many as six (6) articles, and this is still valid in Volume 1 Number 2 in 2021. In this latest issue, This Editor Chief has been replaced by Eko Zulfikar, M.Ag. in order to improve and advance the journal, together with Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim, MA. as managing editor. In November-December 2021, Jurnal Semiotika-Q: Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Science was officially registered as an Online journal and a Printed journal at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Center for Scientific Data and Documentation. Print (p) with ISSN: 2809-6401 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 2809-0500.

In Juni 2022, This Semiotics-Q Journal under the Chief Editor, Dr. Abdul Kher, Lc., M.Ag. after repairs and renewal of the Journal Semiotika-Q: Kajian Ilmu al-Quran OJS. These repairs and updates are carried out in the Article template, which was originally a Journals template. This improvement and renewal is carried out for the submission of Jurnal Semiotika-Q: Kajian Ilmu al-Quran also indexed by Google Scholar, GARUDA, and others (can be seen on page Abstracting & Indexing).