Analisis Pelanggaran Praktik dalam Jurnalistik pada Film Special Correspondent ( Metode Semiotik Roland Barthes)

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Rifky Alfansyah


Journalism as a news processing technique so that it is feasible to spread it to the public. A good journalist will work in accordance with a journalistic code of ethics so that they can convey information to the public that is responsible, valid and correct. Violation of the code of ethics can result in misrepresentation. This violation can be seen in the film "Special Core Respondent" which represents violations of the code of ethics such as spreading fake news, accepting bribes, not paying attention to the credibility of sources and identities. A film related to journalism can be a moral lesson as a journalist must be responsible for making and delivering news. Therefore, this study uses the Roland Barthes Semiotics method with a qualitative approach to get the meaning of denotation, connotation and myth which aims to assess the journalistic code of ethics in the film entitled "Special Coreespondent" which tells about journalistic violations committed by journalists in order to get news latest. The results of this study conclude that violations of journalistic practices in the film are found in scenes 3, 7, 23, 27, 31, 32, 34, 37, 39 and 50 according to articles 3, 4 and 6 of the journalistic code of ethics according to the meaning of the denotation described by the main character as a journalist in finding and making interesting and up-to-date news, while the connotative meaning of the film describes the actions taken by the main character as a journalist to get news by falsifying identity and making fictitious stories and myths from the film can be seen from how the public very affected by the news written or broadcast.

Article Details

How to Cite
Analisis Pelanggaran Praktik dalam Jurnalistik pada Film Special Correspondent ( Metode Semiotik Roland Barthes). (2023). TABAYYUN, 4(2), 281-294.

How to Cite

Analisis Pelanggaran Praktik dalam Jurnalistik pada Film Special Correspondent ( Metode Semiotik Roland Barthes). (2023). TABAYYUN, 4(2), 281-294.


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