Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’i Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’i
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Abstrak: Artikel dengan judul ‘Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’I’ ini berupaya menelusuri sejarah serta asumsi-asumsi metodologis yang membangun kedua meta-narasi (wacana kesetaraan dan keserasian gender). Pada bagian selanjutnya akan dihadirkan sejumlah ayat kontroversial terkait isu keadilan gender, berikut garis-garis besar penafsiran dari kedua kubu wacana, disertai analisis penulis mengacu pada teori worlview yang diperkenalkan oleh Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Studi pustaka dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya wacana keadilan gender menjadi tarik menarik di antara dua kubu besar dalam Islam: kubu kesetaraan dan kubu keserasian. Kubu keserasian hanya menginginkan pola penafsiran yang dianggap tidak bias gender, betapapun mereka abai terhadap sisi-sisi teologis, sementara kubu keserasian percaya bahwa mereka harus mempertahankan ashalah (otentisitas) sebab agama ini dipercaya sebagai haqq yang berasal dari Dzat yang Maha Haqq. Tidak sama sekali terbayangkan oleh kelompok terakhir untuk melestarikan penindasan terhadap perempuan, seperti selama ini dituduhkan. Lantas wacana tafsir manakah yang betul-betul mencerminkan nilai-nilai al-Quran? Kedua belah pihak akan mendaku diri sebagai yang paling sesuai. Satu hal jelas, yang semestinya dilawan barangkali bukan penafsiran itu, sebab setiap orang berhak untuk berpolemik secara ilmiah. Yang perlu dimusuhi sebetulnya adalah pikiran-pikiran jahat, entah itu penindasan maupun eksploitasi perempuan, yang sama-sama beroperasi di sebalik kedua narasi.
Kata Kunci: Gender, Tafsir Maudhu’i
Abstract: This article with the title Gender in Maudhu'I Tafsir Review seeks to trace the history and methodological assumptions that build both meta-narratives (discourse of gender equality and harmony). In the next section, a number of controversial verses related to the issue of gender justice will be presented, along with outline interpretations of the two camps of discourse, accompanied by the author's analysis referring to the Worlview theory introduced by Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi. The method used in this study uses a library research method or approach. Literature study can be interpreted as a series of activities relating to methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes and processing research materials. The findings of this study indicate that the discourse of gender justice has become a tug of war between two major camps in Islam: the camp of equality and the camp of harmony. The harmony camp only wants a pattern of interpretation that is considered gender-unbiased, no matter how much they ignore theological aspects, while the harmony camp believes that they must maintain ashalah (authenticity) because this religion is believed to be haqq that comes from the Supreme Haqq. The last group never imagined to perpetuate oppression of women, as it has been alleged. So which interpretive discourse truly reflects the values of the Koran? Both parties will claim to be the most compatible. One thing is clear, perhaps not that interpretation should be challenged, because everyone has the right to polemicize scientifically. What really needs to be hostile to is evil thoughts, be it oppression or exploitation of women, which both operate behind the two narratives.
Keywords: Gender, Tafsir Maudhu’i
Kata Kunci: Gender, Tafsir Maudhu’i
Abstract: This article with the title Gender in Maudhu'I Tafsir Review seeks to trace the history and methodological assumptions that build both meta-narratives (discourse of gender equality and harmony). In the next section, a number of controversial verses related to the issue of gender justice will be presented, along with outline interpretations of the two camps of discourse, accompanied by the author's analysis referring to the Worlview theory introduced by Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi. The method used in this study uses a library research method or approach. Literature study can be interpreted as a series of activities relating to methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes and processing research materials. The findings of this study indicate that the discourse of gender justice has become a tug of war between two major camps in Islam: the camp of equality and the camp of harmony. The harmony camp only wants a pattern of interpretation that is considered gender-unbiased, no matter how much they ignore theological aspects, while the harmony camp believes that they must maintain ashalah (authenticity) because this religion is believed to be haqq that comes from the Supreme Haqq. The last group never imagined to perpetuate oppression of women, as it has been alleged. So which interpretive discourse truly reflects the values of the Koran? Both parties will claim to be the most compatible. One thing is clear, perhaps not that interpretation should be challenged, because everyone has the right to polemicize scientifically. What really needs to be hostile to is evil thoughts, be it oppression or exploitation of women, which both operate behind the two narratives.
Keywords: Gender, Tafsir Maudhu’i
Article Details
How to Cite
Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’i: Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’i. (2020). Wardah, 21(2), 47-65.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’i: Gender Dalam Tinjauan Tafsir Maudhu’i. (2020). Wardah, 21(2), 47-65.