Pendidikan dan Kaitannya dalam MukjizatAl Qur-an Pendidikan dan Kaitannya dalam MukjizatAl Qur-an
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Abstrak: Artikel berjudul ‘Pendidikan dan Kaitannya dalam Mukjizat Al Qur-an,’ ini bertujuan untuk mejelaskan dan menganalisis mukjizat mukjizat Al Qur-an dalam kaitannya dengan pendidikan. Artikel ini dilatar belakangi Mu’jizat bagi Nabi atau Rasul selalu disesuaikan dengan zaman dimana hidup Rasul atau Nabi lalu bersesuaian terhadap kemajemukan risalah yang dibawa. Jika risalah yang disampaikan diperuntukkan bagi seluruh umat, tidak mengalami perubahan dan kekal selama-lamanya, maka mu’jizat harus kekal dan diperuntukkan kegunaannya bagi seluruh umat manusia di muka bumi, semakin berpikir manusia tentang mu’jizat tersebut, maka semakin beriman dan mengakuinya, tak terkecuali mukjizat dalam kaitannya dengan pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah dengan metode library research. Kemudian temuan dari hasil library research pada artikel ini adalah bahwa aspek-aspek kemukjizatan Al Qur-an dan kaitannya dengan dunia pendidikan dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga hal, yaitu aspek kebahasaan, berita ghaib, dan isyarat ilmiah. Kebenaran mukjizat Al Qur-an dalam dunia pendidikan antara lain wajibnya melakukan pendalaman ilmu di tempat-tempat pemukiman, manfaat berilmu pengetahuan tinggi serta pendidikan dan pengetahuan membawa kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Sehingga bagi kita umat Islam sangat diwajibkan untuk mempelajari dan mengamalkan apa yang ada di dalam Al Qur-an karena tidak ada keraguan atas kebenaran mukjizat yang ada di Al Qur-an.
Kata kunci: I’jaz Ilmi, Mukjizat Al Qur-an, Pendidikan
Abstract: The article, entitled "Education and its Relation to the Miracles of the Qur'an", aims to explain and analyze the miracles of the Qur'an in its environment with education. This article is based on the background that the Mu'jizat for the Prophet or Rasul is always invincible with the era in which the Prophet's or Prophet's life then corresponds to the diversity of the treatises that were brought. If the message that is delivered is intended for all people, does not experience change and lasts forever, then miracles must be eternal and be used for the benefit of all mankind on earth, the more people think about these miracles, the more faith and confess them, no with the exception of miracles in his environment with education. The method used in this article is the library research method. Then the findings from the research literature in this article are that the miraculous aspects of the Qur'an and its environment with the world of education can be classified into three things, namely aspects of language, unseen news, and scientific cues. The truth of the miracles of the Qur'an in world education, among others, is the obligation to deepen knowledge in residential areas, the benefits of higher knowledge as well as education and knowledge to bring happiness in the world and the hereafter. So that for us Muslims are very obliged to study and practice what is in the Qur'an because there is no doubt about the truth of the miracles that are in the Qur'an.
Keywords: I’jaz Ilmi, Al-Qur'an Miracles, Education
Kata kunci: I’jaz Ilmi, Mukjizat Al Qur-an, Pendidikan
Abstract: The article, entitled "Education and its Relation to the Miracles of the Qur'an", aims to explain and analyze the miracles of the Qur'an in its environment with education. This article is based on the background that the Mu'jizat for the Prophet or Rasul is always invincible with the era in which the Prophet's or Prophet's life then corresponds to the diversity of the treatises that were brought. If the message that is delivered is intended for all people, does not experience change and lasts forever, then miracles must be eternal and be used for the benefit of all mankind on earth, the more people think about these miracles, the more faith and confess them, no with the exception of miracles in his environment with education. The method used in this article is the library research method. Then the findings from the research literature in this article are that the miraculous aspects of the Qur'an and its environment with the world of education can be classified into three things, namely aspects of language, unseen news, and scientific cues. The truth of the miracles of the Qur'an in world education, among others, is the obligation to deepen knowledge in residential areas, the benefits of higher knowledge as well as education and knowledge to bring happiness in the world and the hereafter. So that for us Muslims are very obliged to study and practice what is in the Qur'an because there is no doubt about the truth of the miracles that are in the Qur'an.
Keywords: I’jaz Ilmi, Al-Qur'an Miracles, Education
Article Details
How to Cite
Pendidikan dan Kaitannya dalam MukjizatAl Qur-an: Pendidikan dan Kaitannya dalam MukjizatAl Qur-an. (2020). Wardah, 21(2), 108-122.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
Pendidikan dan Kaitannya dalam MukjizatAl Qur-an: Pendidikan dan Kaitannya dalam MukjizatAl Qur-an. (2020). Wardah, 21(2), 108-122.