Linguistik Kultural Analisis Wacana Khutbah Jumat

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Muzaiyanah Muzaiyanah


Abstract: The Friday Khutbah is a means Muslims in spread religion which aims to encourage people to do good in this world. Material FridayKhutbah in this case as a discourse certainly has elements of good grammar and influenced by the culture of the local culture or a khutbah was delivered, and as a discourse Friday khutbah would be analyzed in terms of micro-structural aspect of grammatical, lexical, cohesion and coherence. And from a macro point of connection with the structural elements of culture or cultural community, which is associated with the context of the participants, place and time, channel, code, which is used as a form of message and its contents.

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How to Cite
Linguistik Kultural Analisis Wacana Khutbah Jumat. (2016). Wardah, 17(1), 17-34.

How to Cite

Linguistik Kultural Analisis Wacana Khutbah Jumat. (2016). Wardah, 17(1), 17-34.