Manuscripts written I-Finance: a Research Journal on Islamic Finance include research outcomes, field research or literary research and articles reflecting finance phenomena.
Manuscript is written in Indonesian and English. The writing system for research outcomeis Title, Name of the writer, Abstract with key words, Introduction, Literature Review/Theoretical/Conceptual Framework, Methods, Findings/Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Reference.
Manuscript is typed using Microsoft Word program on HVS A4, around 5000-7000 words in Times New Roman size 11 pts and 1.15 space.
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The name of the author is written without any academic degree, followed by the name of author’s institution, located under the title of the article. In case manuscript written by team, the editor is only in contact with the main author or the first mentioned author. The main author must include his/her correspondence address or e-mail.
The abstract and key words must be written in English. The length of each abstract is around 150 -200 words, while the limit of key words is 3-5 words. The abstract, at the least, must contain the aim, method and result of the research.
Tables and figures must have titles and have clear number and sources, and be typed in single space. In case of pictures or figures, it is better to attach the white-black format.
The list of references only contains referred sources, and all referred sources must be mentioned on the list. Reference sources consist of, at the least, 80% printed literature published in the last 10 years. The reference is sources in the form of research articles in a journal or in a research report (including undergraduate theses, master theses, dissertations, books, and other relevant publications). Articles published in I-Finance: a Research Journal on Islamic Finance are recommended to be used as reference.
Referencing and citing technique uses the reduced reference technique (last name, year). The inclusion of the source in direct quotation is followed by information about the page number of the referred source. For example: (Laclau, 1998 , 81).
Check each referred article for accuracy and make sure every quoted work in the article is written in Bibliography and References. Works that are not cited but mentioned in the Bibliography or References will be omitted by the editor.
All the served data or quotes in the article taken from the other author articles should attach the reference sources. The references should use a reference Mendeley application management. The writing format that used in I-Finance: a Research Journal on Islamic Finance follows the format applied by APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association).
Reference list is composed as follows and is alphabetically and chronologically ordered.
All manuscripts are anonymously studied by reviewers appointed by the editor according to their expertise. The author is given a chance to revise the manuscript based on the reviewers’ or the editor’s recommendation/advice. The decision of publication or rejection will be informed through the author’s email address.
The editor has the right to modify and correct the spelling, writing and grammar of the published manuscript.
Everything related to citing permission or computer software usage in writing the manuscript or any other things related to copyright done by the author, along with all its legal consequences, becomes the author’s full responsibility.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.