Keterkaitan Ritual Tolak Bala (Ghatib beghanyut) dengan Pelestarian Nilai-nilai Keagamaan

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A S Retno Ningsih
Yunus Winoto
Elnovani Lusiana


Ghatib Beghanyut is a religious tradition of the Siak Malay community. This tradition has been going on since the days of the Malay sultanate. The purpose of this research is to find out the process of carrying out this tradition and to analyze the relationship between ritual and religious values. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques are by observing, interviewing, documenting, and reviewing the literature. The results of the study show that this tradition began during the XII Sultan, namely Sultan Syarif Kasim II. Since the beginning, this tradition has followed Islamic guidelines, namely based on the Koran. As the saying goes, Adat is based on syara', syara' is based on the Book of Allah. The conclusion in this study is that ghatib beghanyut or commonly known as the tradition of rejecting reinforcements is a culture created by a group of people with the aim of asking for protection from the Almighty.

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How to Cite
“Keterkaitan Ritual Tolak Bala (Ghatib Beghanyut) Dengan Pelestarian Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan”. Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam 23, no. 1 (July 13, 2023): 69–77. Accessed March 19, 2025.

How to Cite

“Keterkaitan Ritual Tolak Bala (Ghatib Beghanyut) Dengan Pelestarian Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan”. Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam 23, no. 1 (July 13, 2023): 69–77. Accessed March 19, 2025.


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