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Faqihul Agus Anam


This research aims to describe phonological processes (PP) of ikhfa, as object of Qur’anic Phonology, and  the phonological rule of  ikhfa by Generative Phonology approach. In addition, this aims to prove the duality of PP ikhfa too.  The data are al-Hashmi’s data (2004) that is wrtitten in his theses. The goal of aplicated this model of data is keeping validity of data. The result shows that PP of ikhfa’ is the duality of PP, namely consonant asimilation and vocalic nasalitation. The PP rule of PP ikhfa’ is [n] à/n/ [α ant] [β cor]/_ [α ant]. It means that arabic nasal sound [n] can be pronounced as phonem /n/ with [+ ant] [+ cor] property of distingtive feature if tha nasal sound [n] located at sound environment with [+ ant] property of distinctive feature.
Key words: Phonological Processes (PP), Ikhfa’, Quranic 
  Phonology, Generative Phonology, Distinctive   Feature

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How to Cite
“IKHFA’ ‘DWIPROSES FONOLOGIS Dan KAIDAH FONOLOGINYA’: (Kajian Fonologi Generatif)”. Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam 17, no. 1 (August 7, 2018): 59–75. Accessed March 19, 2025. https://jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/tamaddun/article/view/2511.

How to Cite

“IKHFA’ ‘DWIPROSES FONOLOGIS Dan KAIDAH FONOLOGINYA’: (Kajian Fonologi Generatif)”. Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam 17, no. 1 (August 7, 2018): 59–75. Accessed March 19, 2025. https://jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/tamaddun/article/view/2511.