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This paper discusses about some of the concepts and theories in organizational development environment , the phenomenon shows that many organizations can not develop because the organization did not consider the environmental organization itself . organization means less attention to the needs of the local community and in particular the internal organization itself . of the phenomenon of the many organizations that torpor . The development of intervention strategies that organizations are utilizing the group to focus on the culture of an organization as a whole in order to implement the desired changes . This strategy seeks to change attitudes beliefs , values , structures and practices so that the organization can adapt to technology and are able to survive in the pace of change is rapid .
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Cara Mengutip
KONSEP DAN TEORI TENTANG PENGEMBANGAN LINGKUNGAN ORGANISASI. (2014). Wardah, 15(2), 147-157. https://doi.org/10.19109/wardah.v15i2.194
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Cara Mengutip
KONSEP DAN TEORI TENTANG PENGEMBANGAN LINGKUNGAN ORGANISASI. (2014). Wardah, 15(2), 147-157. https://doi.org/10.19109/wardah.v15i2.194