Transformasi Seni Arsitektur Masjid Al-Mahmudiyah (Suro) Palembang

Transformasi Seni Arsitektur Masjid Al-Mahmudiyah (Suro) Palembang


  • Nila Lestari, Nyimas Umi Kulsum SMAN Sumatera Selatan


The Al Mahmudiyah Suro Palembang Mosque is one of the oldest famous mosques in the city of Palembang, which is now 1 century old. This mosque has history and meaning at the time of its construction, because it received a negative response during the Dutch colonial period, so that this mosque is now not just a place of worship like mosques in general, but as a religious tourist attraction in the city of Palembang. As an old mosque, this mosque is famous for its building which is still sturdy and maintains its beauty. This research uses a descriptive analysis method by describing the building components of this mosque. This research aims to present data and information related to the cultural arts and architecture of the Al Mahmudiyah Suro Palembang mosque building. Keywords: Mosque, architecture, transformation


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Wawancara wakil ketua pengurus masjid Bpk. H. Abdul Rasyid, pada tgl 10 September 2022 (9/09/2022, 18.24 WIB) (Sabtu, 04/02/2023, 19.31 WIB) (Senin, 06/02/2023/ 12:05)


How to Cite

Transformasi Seni Arsitektur Masjid Al-Mahmudiyah (Suro) Palembang: Transformasi Seni Arsitektur Masjid Al-Mahmudiyah (Suro) Palembang. (2024). Soeloeh Melajoe: Jurnal Peradaban Melayu Islam, 2(2), 44-65.