Author Guidlines

The title

No more than 15 words/characters written in capital, bold, Cambria 14, center alignment, spacing 1.

The author, ownership, and e-mail

The author's name is without a title, the name of the institution (ownership), and e-mail corresponds to the author.


The abstract is written English between 150 to 200 words containing the principal and the results or findings of the article/research.


4-7 keywords, separate with the semicolon (;) and alphabetical order


This part contains the background, the subject matter, the importance of the themes discussed, and the purpose of the subject matter. In this section, it is advisable to avoid a detailed explanation of the theoretical basis, the problem statement, and so on as published in paper/thesis/dissertation. The introduction is written in bold with no heading.


Materials and methods should make reader be able to reproduce the experiment. It should be provided sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduce. Methods that already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. Do not repeat the details of established methods.

Result and Discussion

It is consists of discussions in accordance with the theme of the manuscript. It also contains the sub-discussion in accordance with the theme. The contents are written in capital (big capital at the beginning of words) and bold without heading.

 Supporting Instrument

Supporting instruments may include images (graphics/charts) or tables. Figure/table is recommended in black and white, and if it is made in color, it must be ensured that they can be read clearly when text is printed in black and white. Figure/table must be numbered and concise information on it to the format; centered, Cambria 10, spacing 1. The content is written with Cambria 10 format, spacing 1.


The conclusions arewritten to direct the reader to get the important things that are not shallow and narrow. The conclusion is written with bold and no heading.

The bibliography should use reference management applications such as  MendeleyEndNote,Zotero, or the other. The format of writing that used in the journal of Engineering is in accordance with the format of APA Style (American Psychological Association).