Perintah Membunuh Anjing dalam Hadits Menurut Imam al-Haramain
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Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas pemikiran Abd al-Malik Ibn Abdillah Abu Ma’ali al-Juwaini atau yang lebih dikenal dengan gelar Imam Haramain dalam menyikapi hadits-hadits yang berisi perintah membunuh anjing. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui metode yang digunakan oleh Imam Haramain dalam memahami dan memposisikan hadits-hadits tersebut karena petunjuk lafazhnya yang berbeda dan terkesan bertentangan satu sama lain, sebagian hadits memerintahkan anjing secara mutlak, sebagian lain hanya memerintahkan untuk membunuh anjing hitam dan sebagian lagi justru berisi pujian bagi orang yang menyelamatkan nyawa anjing. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah library research, yaitu dengan mengumpulkan berbagai tulisan berupa buku dan jurnal dari penelitian terdahulu yang relevan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh Imam Haramain dalam menyikapi hadits-hadits yang berisi perintah membunuh anjing adalah al-naskh wa al-mansukh, yaitu dengan menjadikan hadits yang datang kemudian sebagai penghapus isi kandungan hadits yang muncul lebih dahulu. Terkait hadits yang berisi perintah membunuh anjing terdapat setidaknya dua kali proses al-naskh wa al-mansukh. Pertama, perintah membunuh anjing secara mutlak dihapus oleh perintah membunuh anjing yang berwarna hitam saja. Kedua, perintah membunuh anjing yang berwarna hitam dihapus oleh bolehnya membunuh anjing yang berbahaya bagi manusia sehingga Imam Haramain pada akhirnya menyimpulkan bahwa hanya anjing yang berpotensi untuk membahayakan manusia saja yang boleh dibunuh. Dengan demikian, perasaan jijik karena kondisi anjing sebagai hewan najis atau karena anjing tersebut berwarna hitam tidak lantas menjadi alasan bagi umat Muslim untuk menyiksa ataupun membunuh anjing.
Kata kunci: Imam Haramain, Hadits, Anjing,
Abstract: This article discusses the thoughts of Abd al-Malik Ibn Abdillah Abu Ma'ali al-Juwaini or better known as Imam Haramain in addressing the hadiths which contain orders to kill dogs. The aim is to find out the method used by Imam Haramain in understanding and positioning these hadiths because the instructions for the pronunciation are different and seem to contradict each other, some hadiths absolutely command dogs, some others only order to kill black dogs and some contain praise for the person who saved the dog's life. The method used in this article is library research, namely by collecting various writings in the form of books and journals from relevant previous research. The result of this study is that the method used by Imam Haramain in addressing the hadiths containing the order to kill the dog is al-naskh wa al-mansukh, namely by making the hadith that comes later as an eraser of the contents of the hadith that appears earlier. Regarding the hadith which contains the order to kill a dog, there are at least two processes of al-naskh wa al-mansukh. First, an order to kill a dog is absolutely abolished by an order to kill a black dog only. Second, the order to kill black dogs was abolished by the permissibility of killing dogs that were dangerous to humans so that Imam Haramain finally concluded that only dogs that had the potential to harm humans could be killed. Thus, feelings of disgust because of the dog's condition as unclean or because the dog is black is not necessarily a reason for Muslims to torture or kill dogs.
Keyword: Imam Haramain, hadith, dog.
Kata kunci: Imam Haramain, Hadits, Anjing,
Abstract: This article discusses the thoughts of Abd al-Malik Ibn Abdillah Abu Ma'ali al-Juwaini or better known as Imam Haramain in addressing the hadiths which contain orders to kill dogs. The aim is to find out the method used by Imam Haramain in understanding and positioning these hadiths because the instructions for the pronunciation are different and seem to contradict each other, some hadiths absolutely command dogs, some others only order to kill black dogs and some contain praise for the person who saved the dog's life. The method used in this article is library research, namely by collecting various writings in the form of books and journals from relevant previous research. The result of this study is that the method used by Imam Haramain in addressing the hadiths containing the order to kill the dog is al-naskh wa al-mansukh, namely by making the hadith that comes later as an eraser of the contents of the hadith that appears earlier. Regarding the hadith which contains the order to kill a dog, there are at least two processes of al-naskh wa al-mansukh. First, an order to kill a dog is absolutely abolished by an order to kill a black dog only. Second, the order to kill black dogs was abolished by the permissibility of killing dogs that were dangerous to humans so that Imam Haramain finally concluded that only dogs that had the potential to harm humans could be killed. Thus, feelings of disgust because of the dog's condition as unclean or because the dog is black is not necessarily a reason for Muslims to torture or kill dogs.
Keyword: Imam Haramain, hadith, dog.
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How to Cite
“Perintah Membunuh Anjing Dalam Hadits Menurut Imam Al-Haramain”. el-Sunnah: Jurnal Kajian Hadis dan Integrasi Ilmu 4, no. 1 (June 16, 2023): 25–36. Accessed March 26, 2025.
How to Cite
“Perintah Membunuh Anjing Dalam Hadits Menurut Imam Al-Haramain”. el-Sunnah: Jurnal Kajian Hadis dan Integrasi Ilmu 4, no. 1 (June 16, 2023): 25–36. Accessed March 26, 2025.