Publication Ethics
Guruku: Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru is a peer-reviewed journal published by Tarbiyah Science Faculty and Teaching Science at Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang. This statement clarifies ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing articles in this journal which includes the author, the editor in chief, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewers and the publisher. This statement is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Publication decisions
Guruku: Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru editors are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal can be published. The validation of the work and the importance for researchers and readers should always support the decision. The editors can be guided by the policy of the journal editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. They may also confer with other editors or reviewers in making the decision.
Fair play
At any time, editors could evaluate the manuscripts for their intellectual content without considering the differences of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or author’s political philosophy.
Guruku: Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru Editors and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the writers, reviewers, potential reviewers, other appropriate editorial advisors and publishers.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in the editor's own research without the written consent of the author.
Reviewer’s Tasks
Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Peer review results help editors in making editorial decisions and assist the author in improving the article through the editorial communications with the author.