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WZ Kamaruzzaman Wan Ali


Shi’ah refers to the followers of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (k.w) and the thoughts of (al-madhhab) a name that has existed a long time in the development of Islamic history. However, in the context of the Malay world, the Nusantara or South-east Asia, the studies on this are rather new and lack depth, although data and evidence can be found in most study locations. The developments in the Islamic world from the early days till now continue to attract the interest of researchers from within and without, especially since it is the focus of the study of both believers and non-believers. At the same time it continues to leave the influence and effects that can be seen till today. This study aims to identify the developments of the thoughts of (al-madhhab) in the Islamic world from the early days till now, its effect on Islamic thinking and the effects it leaves behind.

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THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO: A SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SHIA. JMIS [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];2(2):107-24. Available from:

How to Cite

THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO: A SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SHIA. JMIS [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];2(2):107-24. Available from:


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