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Mirza Mahbub Wijaya
Ahmad Yusuf Yusuf
Ahmad Muhdlori Muhdlori
Muchammad Nuryadi Nuryadi
Hadi Susilo Susilo
Muhamad Ansori Ansori


Seven Dignity is one of the controversial teachings because it contains the thoughts of Waḥdat al-Wujud Ibn Arabi in it. Seven Martabat first time emerged from the Sufism text written by Muhammad Ibnu Syeikh Fadhlullah Al-Burhanfuri Al-Hindi, At-Tuhfah al-Mursalah Ila Ruh an-Nabiy, which is the material object of this research. This research is a literature review using philological and philosophical approaches. Meanwhile, the data analysis used content analysis. This book contains the seven divine dignity which is based on the philosophical thinking of Ibn Arabi. In the process of spiritual alignment with Khaliq, a salik must go through seven stages of dignity, namely 1. La Ta'ayyun's Dignity, 2. Early Ta'ayyun's Dignity, 3. Ta'ayyun Sani's Dignity, 4. 'Alam Al -'Arwah, 5. 'Alam Al-Misal,' 6. Alam Al-'Ajsam, and 7. 'Alam Al-'Insan. In it it is very identical with the Neoplatonic peripatetic view of the mind, making it part of God, and equating it with the attributes of God and Plato's World of Ideas..

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THE ONTOLOGY CONCEPT IN THE SEVEN DIGNITY AT-TUHFAH AL-MURSALAH WORKS OF BURHANFURI AL-HINDI. JMIS [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];4(1):17-26. Available from:

How to Cite

THE ONTOLOGY CONCEPT IN THE SEVEN DIGNITY AT-TUHFAH AL-MURSALAH WORKS OF BURHANFURI AL-HINDI. JMIS [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];4(1):17-26. Available from:


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