Kedermawanan Dalam Syair Hatim At-Tha’i (Analisis Semiotika Riffaterre)

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Isnaini Rahmawati
Muhammad Walidin


This research examines Hatim at-Tha'i's poem which contains points of philanthropy, with content analysis techniques that focus on discourse analysis with Riffaterre's semiotics as the theory. The indirect expression in the poem “al-Maalu Ghaadin wa Raaih” by Hatim at-Tha'i contains displacing of meaning points with the presence of personification, hyperbole, litotes, and synecdoche pars pro toto. As for the distortion of meaning there is an antithesis figure of speech and in creating meaning there is a topography in the form of a poem in which all the lines end in the letter ro' (ر), that is by word الذِّكْرُ, نَـزْرُ, الزَّجْـرُ, الصَّدْرُ, أَسْـرُ, وَفْـرُ, اليُسْرُ, الدَّهْـرُ, الفَقْـرُ, العَشْرُ, سِتْـرُ,  وَقْـرُ and also using bahr thawil as construction of Arabic poem. The homologue in the line "زَمَانَـاً بِالتَّصَعْلُـكِ وَالغِنَـى" which is paralleled with "الدَّهْرُ فِي أَيَّامِهِ العُسْرُ وَاليُسْرُ" the word 'age of poverty and wealth' is juxtaposed with 'time of hardship and ease'. While the enjambment is found in the word "عَلَى مُصْطَفَى مَالِي 'on the glory of my property', the line that should be in line with the word "وَسُلِّطَتْ" in power' is like the word " يُجَاوِرُنِي" 'neighboring with me' is placed on the next line which should be continued with the word فَاعْلَمِي 'know'. This is a form of giving emphasis to the meaning of the line which aims to be poetic, to beautify poetry from visual form. In the results of heuristic and hermeneutic readings, a matrix of poetry is found, namely an indicator of the existence of a Hatim in his view of the treasures contained in his poems and his generosity.
Keywords: Poetry, Hatim at-Tha'i, Semiotics, Riffaterre

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How to Cite
“Kedermawanan Dalam Syair Hatim At-Tha’i (Analisis Semiotika Riffaterre)”. Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam 22, no. 1 (October 17, 2022): 59–74. Accessed March 19, 2025.

How to Cite

“Kedermawanan Dalam Syair Hatim At-Tha’i (Analisis Semiotika Riffaterre)”. Tamaddun: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sastra Islam 22, no. 1 (October 17, 2022): 59–74. Accessed March 19, 2025.


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