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Miftah Kalih Fajar
Pathur Rahman


Al-Qur'an is a guide and source of human life. This holy book has provided a bright spot or explanation about the creation of the earth and everything in it for human needs. The creation of the earth as a space for human life to provide the needs where they live and to provide the survival of offspring. The Qur'an from time immemorial has emphasized that the entire universe was created for the benefit of all creatures. What is in nature, especially the earth, is an environment provided for all of God's creations that inhabit it, in this case especially human beings as the main creatures. This research is a library research, namely research conducted by examining library materials, especially verses of the Qur'an as primary data and books. The technique in this research is literature study, while the data collection is the primary approach. This research uses a normative approach, namely the library research approach, which is a form of research whose data is obtained from the library. At this stage the researcher looks for the theoretical basis of the research problem so that what is carried out is not a "trial and error" activity. The results of this study are realizing a prosperous country by choosing a just caliph, creating a faithful and pious society, encouraging economic development so that people's income is high, the loss of unemployment is guaranteed health, high exports and guaranteed health.

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How to Cite
PERAN MANUSIA DALAM MEWUJUDKAN NEGERI YANG MAKMUR PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN (STUDI TEMATIK). almisykah [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];2(2):82-99. Available from:

How to Cite

PERAN MANUSIA DALAM MEWUJUDKAN NEGERI YANG MAKMUR PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN (STUDI TEMATIK). almisykah [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];2(2):82-99. Available from:


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