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Efrita Norman
Fidya Arie Pratama
Arman Paramansyah
Heni Feviasari
Resista Vikaliana


This study addresses the integration of Sharia-based principles into Total Quality Management (TQM) frameworks within Islamic educational institutions, aimed at enhancing management quality while upholding Islamic ethical standards. The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive TQM framework that aligns with Sharia values to promote moral accountability, fairness, and stakeholder satisfaction. Utilizing the Delphi method, the study gathers consensus from experts in Islamic education and TQM to establish a well-defined, contextually relevant framework. The research involved several rounds of expert surveys, focusing on key TQM components such as transparency, continuous improvement, and ethical leadership in an Islamic context. Principal findings reveal that incorporating Sharia principles in TQM fosters a balanced approach, merging academic excellence with spiritual and moral development. The developed framework underscores the importance of fairness, ethical governance, and stakeholder engagement, positioning Islamic educational institutions to address contemporary challenges while maintaining their religious identity. This study contributes a novel framework that not only strengthens the administrative and educational aspects but also ensures alignment with Sharia values, thereby offering a robust model for quality management in Islamic education.

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How to Cite
Norman, E., Arie Pratama, F. ., Paramansyah, A. ., Feviasari , H. ., & Vikaliana, R. . . . . (2024). SHARIA BASED TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK IN ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS THE DELPHI METHOD APPROACH. Conciencia, 24(2), 241-256.
Original Reserach Article

How to Cite

Norman, E., Arie Pratama, F. ., Paramansyah, A. ., Feviasari , H. ., & Vikaliana, R. . . . . (2024). SHARIA BASED TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK IN ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS THE DELPHI METHOD APPROACH. Conciencia, 24(2), 241-256.


Ahmad, A. O., Fam, S.-F., Liang Chuan, Z., Nusa, N. M., & Husseini, S. A. (2022). Integration of TQM practices and ERP to enhance innovation culture and innovative work behavior: A proposed framework. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2022(3), 4668–4676.

Ahmad Bustamam, U. S., Sabri, H., & Abu Hassan, H. (2023). Strengthening Business Growth Model for Cooperatives Through the Implementation of Shariah-Based Quality Management Standard Ms1900:2014. I-IECONS e-Proceedings, 524–530.

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Ibrahim, N. M., Gabr, D. G. I., Rahman, A., Dash, S., & Nayyar, A. (2022). A deep learning approach to intelligent fruit identification and family classification. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(19), 27783–27798.

Ikhsan, N. F., Salim, C. R., & Tasya, D. A. (2023). Total Quality Management (TQM) And Its Implementation In Islamic Education Management. AL-WIJDÃN Journal of Islamic Education Studies, 8(4), 527–542.

Jafar, M. F., Yaakob, M. F. M., Mustapha, R., Aziz, M. N. A., Yusof, M. R., & Awang, H. (2021). Quality of mentoring of mentor teachers: Perspective of the trainee teachers. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(2), 632–640.

Jami, D. Z., & Muharam, A. (2022). Strategy for Improving the Quality of Islamic Religious Education Study Programs with Total Quality Management. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 7(2), 267–283.

Khambali, K., Basri, H., & Suhartini, A. (2023). Potential and Development Efforts of Islamic Boarding Schools At Daarut Tauhiid Islamic Boarding Schools in Bandung. Ta Dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 12(1), 223–232.

Khan, F. S. A., Mubarak, N. M., Khalid, M., Tan, Y. H., Abdullah, E. C., Rahman, M. E., & Karri, R. R. (2021). A comprehensive review on micropollutants removal using carbon nanotubes-based adsorbents and membranes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(6), 106647.

Ko, W. H., & Lu, M. Y. (2020). Evaluation of the professional competence of kitchen staff to avoid food waste using the modified delphi method. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(19), 1–11.

Kumar, V., Sharma, R. R. K., Verma, P., Lai, K.-K., & Chang, Y.-H. (2018). Mapping the TQM implementation. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(8), 3081–3116.

Mahmood, W., Ismail, S. N., & Mdzalli, M. M. (2022). Leadership In Quality Management (TQM) Based On Principles Of Common And Islamic Perspective On The Concept Model Of Continuing Development. Harf-o-Sukhan, 6(1), 208–217.

Melaka, S. N. (2021). Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti Berteraskan Syariah MS 1900: Pelaksanaan di Mahkamah Syariah Negeri Melaka. 03, 51–73.

Mia, M. M., Majri, Y., & Rahman, I. K. A. (2019). The Impact of Soft TQM Practices on Organizational Enactment: A Mediating Role of OHSAS18001 Standard. International Journal of Social Sciences Perspectives, 4(1), 1–11.

Muslim, M. I., & Syafii, A. (2022). Quality Management Strategy Based on Total Quality Management (TQM) Ibtidaiyah Madrasah Tahfiz El Muna Q Krapyak Yogyakarta. Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2(2), 241–272.

Niederberger, M., & Köberich, S. (2021). Coming to consensus: The Delphi technique. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(7), 692–695.


Qodri, A., Warsah, I., Nuzuar, N., & Warlizasusi, J. (2022). Analisis Implementasi Total Quality Management dalam Memperbaiki Mutu Religius Siswa. Journal Of Administration and Educational Management (ALIGNMENT), 5(2), 177–187.

Ramdhan, D., & Fatimah, N. (2023). Amandemen. 1(1), 22–28.

Seuring, S., Brandenburg, M., Sauer, P. C., Schünemann, D.-S., Warasthe, R., Aman, S., Qian, C., Petljak, K., Neutzling, D. M., Land, A., & Khalid, R. U. (2022). Comparing regions globally: impacts of COVID-19 on supply chains – a Delphi study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(8), 1077–1108.

Syafi’i, I., & Fitriyah, L. (2020). The Implementation of Total Quality Management as a Solution for the Development of Islamic Education Institutions in teh Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Jurnal Pedagogik, 07(02), 377–428.

Syukri, A. dan. (2021). Paradigma Keilmuan Islam. 4(2), 160–171.

Untung. (2019). Analisis Manajemen Masjid Dalam Menghadapi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Tadbiruna, 2(1), 23–35.

Yudiawan, A., & Himmah, A. (2023). QUALITY MANAGEMENT TRANSFORMATION OF ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS HIGHER EDUCATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW Article History Abstract Corresponding Author. Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE, 2(2), 118–133.

Ahmad, A. O., Fam, S.-F., Liang Chuan, Z., Nusa, N. M., & Husseini, S. A. (2022). Integration of TQM practices and ERP to enhance innovation culture and innovative work behavior: A proposed framework. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2022(3), 4668–4676.

Ahmad Bustamam, U. S., Sabri, H., & Abu Hassan, H. (2023). Strengthening Business Growth Model for Cooperatives Through the Implementation of Shariah-Based Quality Management Standard Ms1900:2014. I-IECONS e-Proceedings, 524–530.

Ahmad, N. K. (2019). Tantangan Aplikasi Sekolah Pintar Di Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Inter Komunika : Jurnal Komunikasi, 4(1), 44.

Ahmad, U., Ramly, M., Hakim, A., & Graduate, P. (2021). Implementation of Total Quality Management To Support Improving the Quality of Education At Aliyah State Madrasah in Makassar City. International Journal of Social Sciences, 91(1).

Ahsan, K., Hassan, T., Rahman, M. M., & Rahman, M. A. (2021). Development of a Fuzzy Risk Model for Criticality Analysis of TSP Complex Limited. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 5(1), 9–22.

Al Farisi, F., Syarifuddin, E., & Zuhri, S. (2023). Collaborative Leadership in Islamic Education: Communication is the Key to Successful TQM Practices. Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, 9(01), 85–96.

Al Kawas, S., Al-Marzooq, F., Rahman, B., Shearston, J. A., Saad, H., Benzina, D., & Weitzman, M. (2021). The impact of smoking different tobacco types on the subgingival microbiome and periodontal health: a pilot study. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1113.

Alshrbaji, M., Mohammed, M., & Shamayleh, A. (2022). The Impact of Total Quality Management and Perceived Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare: A Systematic Review. 2022 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET), 1–6.

Arribath. (2021). A new decade for social changes. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 6(December), 101–105.

Bhatti, O. K., Öztürk, A. O., Maham, R., & Farooq, W. (2021). Examining Islamic piety at workplace via an artificial neural network. Cogent Psychology, 8(1).

Datta, R., Datta, K., Routh, D., Bhatia, J. K., Yadav, A. K., Singhal, A., & Dalal, S. S. (2021). Development of a portfolio framework for implementation of an outcomes-based healthcare professional education curriculum using a modified e-Delphi method. Medical Journal Armed Forces India, 77, S49–S56.

Dzimińska, M., Fijałkowska, J., & Sułkowski, Ł. (2018). Trust-based quality culture conceptual model for higher education institutions. Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(8).

Efendi, N. (2022). Implementation of Total Quality Management and Curriculum on the Education Quality. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 13(3), 120–149.

Hasbullah, M., Andi, S., & Patak, A. (2019). Implementation of English subject curriculum in Islamic secondary schools in Indonesia using Delphi method. 12(4), 143–154.

Ibrahim, N. M., Gabr, D. G. I., Rahman, A., Dash, S., & Nayyar, A. (2022). A deep learning approach to intelligent fruit identification and family classification. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(19), 27783–27798.

Ikhsan, N. F., Salim, C. R., & Tasya, D. A. (2023). Total Quality Management (TQM) And Its Implementation In Islamic Education Management. AL-WIJDÃN Journal of Islamic Education Studies, 8(4), 527–542.

Jafar, M. F., Yaakob, M. F. M., Mustapha, R., Aziz, M. N. A., Yusof, M. R., & Awang, H. (2021). Quality of mentoring of mentor teachers: Perspective of the trainee teachers. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(2), 632–640.

Jami, D. Z., & Muharam, A. (2022). Strategy for Improving the Quality of Islamic Religious Education Study Programs with Total Quality Management. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 7(2), 267–283.

Khambali, K., Basri, H., & Suhartini, A. (2023). Potential and Development Efforts of Islamic Boarding Schools At Daarut Tauhiid Islamic Boarding Schools in Bandung. Ta Dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 12(1), 223–232.

Khan, F. S. A., Mubarak, N. M., Khalid, M., Tan, Y. H., Abdullah, E. C., Rahman, M. E., & Karri, R. R. (2021). A comprehensive review on micropollutants removal using carbon nanotubes-based adsorbents and membranes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(6), 106647.

Ko, W. H., & Lu, M. Y. (2020). Evaluation of the professional competence of kitchen staff to avoid food waste using the modified delphi method. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(19), 1–11.

Kumar, V., Sharma, R. R. K., Verma, P., Lai, K.-K., & Chang, Y.-H. (2018). Mapping the TQM implementation. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(8), 3081–3116.

Mahmood, W., Ismail, S. N., & Mdzalli, M. M. (2022). Leadership In Quality Management (TQM) Based On Principles Of Common And Islamic Perspective On The Concept Model Of Continuing Development. Harf-o-Sukhan, 6(1), 208–217.

Melaka, S. N. (2021). Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti Berteraskan Syariah MS 1900: Pelaksanaan di Mahkamah Syariah Negeri Melaka. 03, 51–73.

Mia, M. M., Majri, Y., & Rahman, I. K. A. (2019). The Impact of Soft TQM Practices on Organizational Enactment: A Mediating Role of OHSAS18001 Standard. International Journal of Social Sciences Perspectives, 4(1), 1–11.

Muslim, M. I., & Syafii, A. (2022). Quality Management Strategy Based on Total Quality Management (TQM) Ibtidaiyah Madrasah Tahfiz El Muna Q Krapyak Yogyakarta. Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 2(2), 241–272.

Niederberger, M., & Köberich, S. (2021). Coming to consensus: The Delphi technique. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(7), 692–695.


Qodri, A., Warsah, I., Nuzuar, N., & Warlizasusi, J. (2022). Analisis Implementasi Total Quality Management dalam Memperbaiki Mutu Religius Siswa. Journal Of Administration and Educational Management (ALIGNMENT), 5(2), 177–187.

Ramdhan, D., & Fatimah, N. (2023). Amandemen. 1(1), 22–28.

Seuring, S., Brandenburg, M., Sauer, P. C., Schünemann, D.-S., Warasthe, R., Aman, S., Qian, C., Petljak, K., Neutzling, D. M., Land, A., & Khalid, R. U. (2022). Comparing regions globally: impacts of COVID-19 on supply chains – a Delphi study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(8), 1077–1108.

Syafi’i, I., & Fitriyah, L. (2020). The Implementation of Total Quality Management as a Solution for the Development of Islamic Education Institutions in teh Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Jurnal Pedagogik, 07(02), 377–428.

Syukri, A. dan. (2021). Paradigma Keilmuan Islam. 4(2), 160–171.

Untung. (2019). Analisis Manajemen Masjid Dalam Menghadapi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Tadbiruna, 2(1), 23–35.

Yudiawan, A., & Himmah, A. (2023). QUALITY MANAGEMENT TRANSFORMATION OF ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS HIGHER EDUCATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW Article History Abstract Corresponding Author. Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE, 2(2), 118–133.