About the Journal
Conciencia is a scientific journal that provides readers of scientific articles and invites authors to accept unpublished, high-quality research manuscripts produced mainly from quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methodologies that are related or related to Islamic education. These problems include, but are not limited to, practices, policies, and research in Islamic education from early childhood education to higher education that cover the fields of teaching, learning, curriculum development, education policy, bilingual education, multicultural education, art education, teacher education, educational technology, educational development, educational psychology, and international education in Indonesia and other parts of the world.
Conciencia will not accept research articles or texts sent for publication elsewhere.
Conciencia does not publish book reviews, program evaluations or research articles describing only programs, courses, or personal experience.
Peer Review Process Steps
Articles sent to Conciencia will be examined first by the editor in chief to determine whether the contents of the article are in accordance with the focus and scope of the journal. If the article content is out of scope, the editor in chief will immediately reject the article.
If the article has followed the focus and scope of the journal, the editor in chief will assign an editor to filter the article for plagiarism using the plagiarism checker. If there is a lot of plagiarism that occurs in the article (more than 20 percent), then the editor will immediately reject the article. But if plagiarism is still considered small (less than 20 percent) then, the article will proceed to the review process.
The editors will assign two reviewers based on the concentration expertise discussed in the article. Reviewers are experts in the field of Islamic Education. The review process is a peer-double-blind review type where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author or reviewer or not. (Ensuring a Blind Review)
Reviews from two reviewers will be sent to the author. The author must revise the article based on feedback from two reviewers.
After the revision was sent to Conciencia, the editor along with the editorial board members and other editor in chief made a decision whether to accept, reject or consider the article to have a second session of the review process. The author will be notified when the Editor decides to do a further review.
If the article is accepted, the editor will send a Letter of Acceptance to the author through the appropriate author.
Furthermore, to maintain the credibility of reviewers, during the article review process, the author is not charged.
Conciencia is published twice a year, June and December.
Conciencia is open to be accessed by everyone. Everyone is free to access all content of articles published at Conciencia. In other words, everyone is free to download, read, and quote articles.