About the Journal
Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies is specialized to undergraduate and postgraduate students’ study, but it is also opened for scientists, researchers, academics, and professionals in behavioral studies. This open-access journal publishes empirical and theoretical scientific paper and reviews as well. We admit scientific paper from psychological perspective and other social science that related to how human being behave.
Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies prepare issues in behavioral studies two time a year (June, December). Presently, Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies is under Program Studi Psikologi Islam, Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Islam Raden Fatah Palembang.
We welcome scholars (either undergraduate or postgraduate students) and lecturers or academicians, researchers, professionals, and all aspects of society that concern on doing theoritical and empirical research to contribute their articles in this journal. Also, we really appreciate review study (i.e., literature review, systematic review, and meta-analysis) to communicate and disseminate their articles through Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies. Intead of emphasizing on theoritical and empirical side, authors should consider the use of appropiate research approcah by adjusting their research methods (e.g., research ethics, research design, participants and their demographic aspects, procedure and methods in conducting the data, data analysis, and measurements). Moreover, this journal is available for articles of basic, applied, and development research.