Using the TikTok App to Publish Your Love Imperfections Works through the “Love Imperfections Campaign”
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The COVID-19 pandemic required every person to stay at home and made them look for entertainment. Social media such as TikTok become one of the forms of entertainment that are easy to reach along with the development of technology. TikTok users in Indonesia as of June 2020 reached 30.7 million users. The writing of this scientific work aims at how much influence the Love Imperfections campaign has on TikTok users. This research aimed to see how far the love imperfections campaign influenced TikTok users. The subject of this research was early adolescence divided into the small scope and large scope. The method was research and development. Data was collected through Google Form to small and large scope. The results of the experiment showed that quite a lot of participants felt insecure in themselves with different problems and backgrounds, then also the results on a large scope showed that the average participant felt that the Love Imperfections campaign was very useful, interesting, good, and informative. Then participants want this Love Imperfections campaign to continue to be developed and continued.
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How to Cite
Using the TikTok App to Publish Your Love Imperfections Works through the “Love Imperfections Campaign”. (2022). Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies, 2(1), 01-16.
How to Cite
Using the TikTok App to Publish Your Love Imperfections Works through the “Love Imperfections Campaign”. (2022). Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies, 2(1), 01-16.
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Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2013). Social Psychology (8th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Ardilla, Fauziya. & Ike Herdiana. (2013). Penerimaan Diri Pada Narapidana Wanita. Jurnal Psikologi Kepribadian dan Sosial, 2 (1), 1-7.
Bulele, Y. N. & Wibowo, T. (2020). Analisis Fenomena Sosial Media dan Kaum Milenial: Studi Kasus Tiktok. Conference on Business, Social Sciences and Innovation Technology, 1 (1), 565-572.
Dewi, C. M. Mengenal Insecure dan Cara Mengatasinya. 24 April 2021. Dewi, C. M., Putri, A. S., Nugraha, M. P. Z., & Bil Haq, A. H. (2020). Kepercayaan Diri dengan Intensitas Penggunaan Media Sosial Tiktok di Masa Pandemi: Studi Korelasi. Jurnal Fenomena, 29(2), 18-24.
Festinger, L. 1954. A Theory of Social Comparison Processes. Human Relations, 7 (2), 117-140
Greenberg, M. (2015). The 3 Most Common Causes of Insecurity and How to Beat Them. Psychology Today online.
Haryati, S. (2012) Research and Development R&D Sebagai Salah Satu Model Penelitian Dalam Bidang Pendidikan. Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika, 37(1) 15 , 11 - 26.
Maslow, A H. (1942). The dynamics of psychological security-insecurity. Character & Personality; A Quarterly for Psychodiagnostic & Allied Studies.
Putri, O. E., Ifdil, I., Situmorang, D. D. B., Arfinda, M., Kamila, I., Amalianita, B., & Fadli, R. P. (2021). Archery Therapy for Improving Focus and Reducing Stress During Work From Home: An Alternative Treatment for People With COVID-19 After Recovery. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 10105395211051479.
Rahardjo, W., Qomariyah, N., Mulyani, I., & Andriani, I. (2021). Social media fatigue pada mahasiswa di masa pandemi COVID-19: Peran neurotisisme, kelebihan informasi, invasion of life, kecemasan, dan jenis kelamin. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 19(2), 142-152.
Safitri, A. A., Rahmadhany, A., & Irwansyah, Dr. (2021). “Penetrasi Sosial pada Media Sosial: Pengaruh Pengungkapan Jati Diri melalui TikTok terhadap Penilaian Sosial”. Jurnal Teknologi dan Informasi Bisnis, 3 (1), 1-9.
Situmorang, D. D. B. (2014). Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Unika Atma Jaya. Psiko Edukasi, 12(1), 26-36.
Situmorang, D .D. B. (2020a). Online/Cyber Counseling Services in the COVID-19 Outbreak: Are They Really New. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 74(3), 166-174
Situmorang, D. D. B. (2020b). A prayer for nation. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 74(4), 290-291.
Situmorang, D. D. B. (2021a). Using TikTok app for therapy and sharing happiness in COVID-19 outbreak. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 20(4), 595-596.
Situmorang, D. D. B. (2021b). Expressive art therapies for treating online games addiction in COVID-19 outbreak: Why are they important?. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 18, 100691.
Situmorang, D. D. B., & Salim, R. M. A. (2021). Perceived parenting styles, thinking styles, and gender on the career decision self-efficacy of adolescents: how & why?. Heliyon, 7(3), e06430.
Syahara, T. A., Indahsari, C. A. & Susanti, D. (2021). “TikTok dan Pandemi (Analisis Konten Penggunaan TikTok sebagai Media Edukasi COVID-19 di Masa Pandemi)”. Urecol Journal Part H, 1 (1), 39-46.