The Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy and School Climate on Academic Achievement in Mathematics with Achievement Motivation as Mediator
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Aim: This study aims to determine the effect of academic self-efficacy and school climate on mathematics academic achievement with achievement motivation as a mediator. The population of this research is all students at SMK Sasmita Jaya, Pamulang. The sample of this research was 410 people, and the sample was taken using a probability sampling technique with simple random sampling. Researchers used student report cards as a measure of academic achievement in mathematics according to Winkel's theory (2007), academic self-efficacy used as a measure developed by Sagone and Caroli (2014), school climate used as a measure developed by Gage et al. (2015), achievement motivation uses a measuring tool developed by McClelland (1987). Analysis of the data used in this study with the statistical technique of structural equation modeling using AMOS and to test the validity of the constructs using LISREL 8.7.
Results: achievement motivation does not directly affect academic achievement in mathematics; it can be seen from the t count -454. Academic self-efficacy significantly affects mathematics achievement because the value of t arithmetic is 6,411. School climate significantly influences mathematics academic achievement with a t value of 3.234.
Conclusion: The research data were analyzed using the statistical structural equation modeling technique. It concluded that there was a significant effect between academic self-efficacy and school climate on mathematics academic achievement. The results of the structural model test with achievement motivation as a mediator variable indicate that achievement motivation has an insignificant effect in moderating the effect of academic self-efficacy and school climate on mathematics academic achievement.
Results: achievement motivation does not directly affect academic achievement in mathematics; it can be seen from the t count -454. Academic self-efficacy significantly affects mathematics achievement because the value of t arithmetic is 6,411. School climate significantly influences mathematics academic achievement with a t value of 3.234.
Conclusion: The research data were analyzed using the statistical structural equation modeling technique. It concluded that there was a significant effect between academic self-efficacy and school climate on mathematics academic achievement. The results of the structural model test with achievement motivation as a mediator variable indicate that achievement motivation has an insignificant effect in moderating the effect of academic self-efficacy and school climate on mathematics academic achievement.
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How to Cite
The Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy and School Climate on Academic Achievement in Mathematics with Achievement Motivation as Mediator. (2022). Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies, 2(2), 124-135.
How to Cite
The Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy and School Climate on Academic Achievement in Mathematics with Achievement Motivation as Mediator. (2022). Indonesian Journal of Behavioral Studies, 2(2), 124-135.
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Bandura, A. (1986). Self Efficacy: To Word A Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change, Psychological Preview, 84, 191-215. Jurnal Psychologi. Kebutuhan Berprestasi. JurnalPsikodimensia. Kajian Imiah Psikologi, 2(3).
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. Macmillan.
Biehler, F. S. (1990). IJ: Psychology Appplied to teaching.
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Demir, İ., Kilic, S., & Depren, O. (2009). Factors Affecting Turkish Students' Achievement in Mathematics. Online Submission, 6(6).
Elliot, A. J., & Dweck, C. S. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of competence and motivation. Guilford Publications.
Fonna, M., & Mursalin, M. (2018). Role of Self-Efficacy Toward Students’ Achievement in Mathematical Multiple Representation Ability (MMRA). Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 6(1), 31-40.
Gregory, A., Cornell, D., & Fan, X. (2012). Teacher safety and authoritative school climate in high schools. American Journal of Education, 118(4), 401-425.
Kuh, G. D., Kinzie, J. L., Buckley, J. A., Bridges, B. K., & Hayek, J. C. (2006). What matters to student success: A review of the literature, 8. Washington, DC: National Postsecondary Education Cooperative.
Leary, K.L., & Borsato, G. (2006). Chapter five: Academic achievement. Dalam Fred Genesee, Kathryn Lindholm Leary, William M. Saunders, & Donna Christian (ed). Educating English language lerners: Asynthesis of research evidence (176-222). USA: Cambridge University Press.
Lawrence, A. S., & Vimala, A. (2012). School Environment and Academic Achievement of Standard IX Students. Online Submission, 2(3), 210-215.
Li, L. K. (2012). A study of the attitude, self-efficacy, effort and academic achievement of city U students towards research methods and statistics. Discovery–SS Student E-Journal, 1(54), 154-183.
Mothlagh Se, Amrai K, Yazdani MJ, Abderahim HA, & Souri H. (2011). The relationship beetwenself efficacy and academic achievement in high school student. Social and behavioral science, 15, 765-768.
Rimfeld, K., Kovas, Y., Dale, P. S., & Plomin, R. (2016). True grit and genetics: Predicting academic achievement from personality. Journal of personality and social psychology, 111(5), 780.
Sabornie, E. J., Cullinan, D., Osborne, S. S., & Brock, L. B. (2005). Intellectual, academic, and behavioral functioning of students with high-incidence disabilities: A cross-categorical meta-analysis. Exceptional Children, 72(1), 47-63.
Scherer, R., & Nilsen, T. (2016). The relations among school climate, instructional quality, and achievement motivation in mathematics. Teacher quality, instructional quality and student outcomes, 2, 51-80.
Singh, K. (2011). Study of achievement motivation in relation to academic achievement of students. International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration, 1(2), 161-171.
Stewart, E. B. (2008). School structural characteristics, student effort, peer associations, and parental involvement: The influence of school-and individual-level factors on academic achievement. Education and urban society, 40(2), 179-204.
Umar, J., Lutfi, I, & Miftahuddin. (2010). Trend Prestasi Matematika dan IPA pada TIMSS Tahun1999,2003 dan 2007 : Suatu analisis dengan memperhitungkan faktor psikologis siswa. Jakarta: Pusat penilaian pendidikan badan penelitian dan pengembangan kementerianpendidikan nasional.
Yazici, H., Seyis, S., & Altun, F. (2011). Emotional intelligence and self-efficacy beliefs as predictors of academic achievement among high school students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 2319-2323.
Winkel, W. S. (2004). Psikologi Pengajaran. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Winkle, W. S. (1984). Bimbingan dan konseling disekolah menengah. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Zimmerman, B. J., & Kitsantas, A. (2005). Homework practices and academic achievement: The mediating role of self-efficacy and perceived responsibility beliefs. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30(4), 397-417.
Zajacova, A., Lynch, S. M., & Espenshade, T. J. (2005). Self-efficacy, stress, and academic success in college. Research in higher education, 46(6), 677-706. Diambilpada 10 maret 2019 | 13.00 WIB