Student Perceptions of the Basic Concepts of Islamic Education

Main Article Content

Wawan Purnama
Tatang Muh Nasir
Mohamad Erihadiana


This research aims to analyze the perceptions of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia students towards the basic concepts of Islamic education. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method whose data source is students' perceptions of the fundamental concepts of Islamic education. The data was obtained through a questionnaire using Google Forms and distributed to students with a science and technology background. From data processing and analysis, there were no significant differences. Between scientific and technology students' perceptions of the fundamental concepts of Islamic education from a gender perspective, the results of the questionnaire show that there are more positive perceptions from female students than male students. Even though there are differences, both male and female students agree that Islamic education has an essential role in shaping individual character and ethics. Both also agree that the fundamental concepts of Islamic education are relevant in the context of science and technology and can be applied in various scientific disciplines, including science and technology. 

Article Details

How to Cite
Wawan Purnama, Tatang Muh Nasir, & Mohamad Erihadiana. (2024). Student Perceptions of the Basic Concepts of Islamic Education. Ta’dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 29(2), 193-209.
Author Biography

Tatang Muh Nasir, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

The author would like to express his gratitude to the presence of God Almighty for giving the grace of strength so that this research can be completed well. The author also expresses infinite gratitude to the supervisors and colleagues who helped a lot in writing the article and also thanks for their contributions from the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and the Indonesian Education University Bandung. The author would also like to express his thanks to the Editorial Board of Ta'dib Journal: Journal of Islamic Education for receiving the manuscript of this article and carrying out the review and editing process so that it can be published in this edition.

How to Cite

Wawan Purnama, Tatang Muh Nasir, & Mohamad Erihadiana. (2024). Student Perceptions of the Basic Concepts of Islamic Education. Ta’dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 29(2), 193-209.