Research articles or manuscripts submitted to JUSIFO (Jurnal Sistem Informasi) undergo an initial review by the editorial team to ensure they align with the journal's focus, scope, and writing quality. Only those manuscripts that meet the journal's criteria are sent for double-blind peer review. The peer review process is designed to ensure a comprehensive and impartial evaluation, with reviewers typically providing their feedback within 2 to 3 weeks. In the event of disagreements between reviewers, a third reviewer is consulted to guarantee balanced and fair assessment. Reviewers are tasked with providing constructive comments on the manuscript, focusing on both the technical and substantive quality of the content. Confidentiality is maintained throughout the process. The feedback from peer review guides the editorial decision, although the final decision on publication rests solely with the editorial team. Manuscripts that do not meet the journal’s standards are promptly rejected without external review. Overall, the entire process typically takes up to 2 months to ensure thorough evaluation, refinement, and alignment with the high standards required for publication. JUSIFO is committed to maintaining rigorous academic standards and ensuring that all research published is of significant scholarly value.

The editors then make a decision based on the reviewers' advice, from among several possibilities:

  1. Accept as written without any revisions.
  2. Accept with minor revisions (a second round of review is not necessary).
  3. Accept with major revisions (a second round of review will be necessary).
  4. Reject (the paper is not suitable for publication).