JUSIFO focus on the dissemination of scientific research in the field of Information System and Information Technology. We invite researchers, academics, and professionals to contribute their original manuscripts to the journal. The journal's scope includes the following fields:

Information System:

  • IS Development and Management,
  • IS Quality and Satisfaction Analysis (IS Analysis),
  • IS Project Management,
  • E-Government, E-Commerce, E-Learning,  
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System,
  • Customer Relationship Management System,
  • Supply Chain Management System,
  • Geographic Information System (GIS),
  • Human-Computer Interaction,
  • Social Informatics,
  • Information Security and Risk Management,
  • Computer Network and Communication Strategy or Analysis,
  • Cryptography and its application,
  • Decision Support System,
  • Expert System,
  • Data Mining.

Information Technology:

  • IT Audit (IT Evaluation) and its Methodology,
  • IT Management and Control and its Methodology,
  • IT infrastructure and Strategy,
  • IT Risk Management.

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Every article or manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff undergoes an initial review process conducted by the Editorial Board. After this, the articles are sent to the Peer-Reviewers for a double-blind peer-review process. Once the review is completed, the articles are returned to the authors for revisions. The peer-review process typically takes 2 to 3 weeks. Overall, the entire process takes approximately 2 months to ensure the paper meets the standards required for publication. During the peer-review, reviewers assess the manuscript from both substantial and technical perspectives.



JUSIFO is published biannually, in June and December, with 5 to 10 articles included in each edition. The journal is available in two formats: print and electronic.



This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.