A Closer Look at the Correlation Between Reading Strategies and Reading Comprehension Achievement

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Rizqi Amiroh
Ahmad Yani
Deta Desvitasari


This study investigated the correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension achievement of the eleventh-grade students at SMAN 11 OKU. There were seventy students as the samples completed the reading comprehension test and SORS questionnaire. The descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation were used to analyze the data in this study. The result showed that the reading strategies level of students was medium. Then, the level of p-significance of global reading strategies was .106, the level of p-significance of problem-solving strategies was .344, and the level of p-significance of support strategies was .445. These mean that all the p-significances were higher than .05. Thus, there was no correlation between each type of reading strategies and reading comprehension achievement of the eleventh-grade students at SMAN 11 OKU.

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