Amphibian diversity in the Waterfall of Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra

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Dian Samitra
Zico Fakhrur Rozi


Lubuklinggau has many natural location that supports life of amphibians. Temam and Sando waterfall area were part of them. This study aims to determine diversity amphibian in the Temam and Sando Waterfall, Lubuklinggau City.  The study was conducted from June to July 2020. The collection data used Visual Encounter Survey (VES) techniques and time search. he data were analyzed using relative abundance, and indexes of diversity, evenness, similarity, and dominance. 11 species of amphibians belonging to 5 families were found during the study. Odorrana hosii was found mostly during the study. Amphibian diversity in the waterfall of Lubuklinggau City was categorized as low.


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Amphibian diversity in the Waterfall of Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra. (2020). Jurnal Biota, 7(1), 10-16.

How to Cite

Amphibian diversity in the Waterfall of Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra. (2020). Jurnal Biota, 7(1), 10-16.


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