Puzzle-assisted REACT Learning Strategy on Mathematical Literacy and Adaptive Reasoning Ability: A Study of Indonesian Junior High School Students

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Halimah Tusadiyah
Bambang Sri Anggoro
Ahmad Ari Aldino
Riyama Ambarwati


The students' mathematical literacy and adaptive reasoning abilities are critical in teaching mathematics. This research aims to see how the puzzle-assisted REACT learning strategy affects students' mathematical literacy and adaptive reasoning abilities. The research employed a quantitative approach with the One-Way MANOVA to analyze the data. This research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kalirejo, Central Lampung, with a sample size of 26 students for the experimental group and 25 for the control group. A test of students' mathematical literacy and a questionnaire on adaptive reasoning abilities were used as research instruments. The findings revealed that (1) the puzzle-assisted REACT learning strategy had an impact on the seventh-grade of junior high school students' mathematical literacy and adaptive reasoning abilities; (2) the puzzle-assisted REACT learning strategy had an impact on the seventh-grade of junior high school students' mathematical literacy ability; (3) the puzzle-assisted REACT learning strategy had an impact on the seventh-grade of junior high school students and adaptive reasoning ability.

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How to Cite
Tusadiyah, H., Anggoro, B. S., Aldino, A. A., & Ambarwati, R. (2023). Puzzle-assisted REACT Learning Strategy on Mathematical Literacy and Adaptive Reasoning Ability: A Study of Indonesian Junior High School Students. MathSciEdu: Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 1(1), 13-24. https://doi.org/10.19109/MathSciEdu.v1i1.18406

How to Cite

Tusadiyah, H., Anggoro, B. S., Aldino, A. A., & Ambarwati, R. (2023). Puzzle-assisted REACT Learning Strategy on Mathematical Literacy and Adaptive Reasoning Ability: A Study of Indonesian Junior High School Students. MathSciEdu: Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 1(1), 13-24. https://doi.org/10.19109/MathSciEdu.v1i1.18406


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