First Report of Pediococcus acidilactici: Bacterium Harbored in Lysurus periphragmoides Slimy Spore Mass

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Rudi Hermawan
Meta Yuliana
Nicho Nurdebyandaru


Bacterium is a cosmopolitan microbe. It can be live everywhere and anywhere. They only need a simple nutrition from environment. Some of them also do a symbiosis for completing the nutrients. Lysurus periphragmoides was found in Arboretum in IPB University. The mushroom has a special structure for the head part of the fruiting body. On the head, the slimy spore mass was covering the part. The slimy was wet, sticky, and stinky. From the slime, bacterium was isolated using Luria Bertani Agar medium and incubated for 35C. Bacterium coded as Lyz222 was successfully isolated from the slimy spore mass. The colony looks like the Lactic Acid Bacteria with the specific odor smelled as milk odor. The colony was circular shape, milky white, concave surface, and mucoid density. The cell was coccus and as Gram-positive bacterium. Molecular identification was done for 16S rRNA. Then, the phylogenetic was constructed using RAxML analysis in CIPRES website. The bacterium strain Lyz222 was identified as Pediococcus acidilactici. The bacterial presence on the head part with slimy spore mass is because the insect or other animal that have touched the L. periphragmoides part. The animal or insect was harboring the bacterium from other source previously, before attaching the L. periphragmoides slimy spore mass. The Pediococcus was commonly found on the milk product, or recently report as on the fruits and vegetables. The result of this study is the first report that Pediococcus as P. acidilactici was found on the slimy spore mass.


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First Report of Pediococcus acidilactici: Bacterium Harbored in Lysurus periphragmoides Slimy Spore Mass. (2023). Jurnal Biota, 9(1), 54-61.

How to Cite

First Report of Pediococcus acidilactici: Bacterium Harbored in Lysurus periphragmoides Slimy Spore Mass. (2023). Jurnal Biota, 9(1), 54-61.