The Effect of Local Microorganism (Mol) as Liquid Organic Fertilizer to the Growth of Ipomea reptans Poir

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Meta Yuliana


This research aim to determine the effect of Mol of Chinese cabbage and cabbage to the growth of Ipomoea reptans Poir. The methods used was Randomized Complete Design consist of 4 treatments and 6 repetitions; P0:  0% Mol, P1: 5% Mol, P2: 10% Mol, and P3 15% Mol. The Data were analyzed used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test for differences among treatments‘means. The observations on Mol consist of pH, number of bacteria and number of fungi and the growth of Ipomoea reptans Poir. The result showed that the treatment P3 15% Mol gives effect on number of leaves, dry weight, shoot dry weight dan soil pH, but there’s no significant effect on height plant, wet weight, root dry weight, ratio of shoot and root, also to number of bacteria, number of fungi and pH of Mol. However, Mol of Chinese cabbage dan cabbage can be a fertilizer to growth of Ipomoea reptans Poir.


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The Effect of Local Microorganism (Mol) as Liquid Organic Fertilizer to the Growth of Ipomea reptans Poir. (2021). Jurnal Biota, 7(1), 51-56.

How to Cite

The Effect of Local Microorganism (Mol) as Liquid Organic Fertilizer to the Growth of Ipomea reptans Poir. (2021). Jurnal Biota, 7(1), 51-56.


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