ALKIMIA : Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan with number of ISSN 2580-9881 (online)/ 2580-9873 (print) is a journal of chemistry that publishes research results with the focus and scope in the field of organic chemistry, inorganic, physical, analytical, biochemical and other as a problem solving in the field of environment, energy, food, agriculture, medical, and pharmacy. This journal is accredited 3rd rank (Sinta 3) based on No. 152/E/KPT/2023. ALKIMIA : Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan is published every February and August, by Science and Technology Faculty of Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang. The editors are happy to invite the contribution of researchers, scientists, and professionals to publish and to disseminate the research results at ALKIMIA : Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan. The Open Journal System (OJS) has been applied to all processes in this journal including submission, reviewing, and publishing articles. A double blind review is applied to review the articles before publishing. Therefore, the author is required to register and submit the manuscript online. 



The editors of ALKIMIA : Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan are happy to invite the contribution of researchers, scientists, and professionals to publish and to disseminate the research results online and print. Manuscript accepted is full english (check out the guidelines in guideline section) or Indonesia. Translation service provided will be charged. Thank you.

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): ALKIMIA

Published: 30-03-2023

Aplication Chitosan Modified Carboxymethyl as Antibacterial Agent of Paper Packaging

Ira Novita Sari, Kurnia Rimadhanti Ningtyas, Taufik Nugraha Agassi


Nanoencapsulation of Simpur (Dillenia indica L.) Leaf Extract For Antibacterial

Robby Gus Mahardika, Shania Sakhila, Nurhadini Nurhadini


Quality Analysis of Probiotic Animal Food Products: A Test of Protein and Blood Fats

Widia Widia, Faizah Alivia Putri, Tutinah Tutinah, Robby Gus Mahardika


Determination Of Exchangeability Cations (Ec), Texture And C-Organic Content In Mineral Soils and Peat

Ahmad Gazali Aros Ai, Vera Lorensya Br. Sembiring, Astri Mutiara Dewi, Anggi Putri Rahayu, Rahmi Rahmi, Lenny Marlinda


Analysis of Caffeine, Ash, Water and Coffee Extract Levels On Commercial Ground Coffee Samples

M. Bintang Anugrah, Jhonatan Johan Parulian, Delviani Delviani, Nelson Nelson, Rahmi Rahmi


Determination of Boric Acid Levels in Food Samples Using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry Method

Anjelli Putri Gunawan, Alidya Fitri Kusuma Wardani, Ria Hikmarina, Rahmi Rahmi, Madyawati Latief


Nutritional Content Analysis of Fortified Cookies from "Patin" bone flour waste and coconut dregs

Muhammad Aziz, Endang Fitriana, M. Risqi Sandi Pratama, Rahmi Rahmi


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