Jurnal Komunikasi Komunikasi Budaya Tradisi Pernikahan Begubalan (Studi Fenomena pada Masyarakat desa Belimbing Jaya, kecamatan belimbing, Kabupaten Muara Enim) Komunikasi Budaya Pernikahan

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Rivaldo Afliaditra
yenrizal yenrizal
M Mifta Farid


Begubalan is one of the unique ways to get married in Belimbing Jaya Village because it is not conveyed directly to parents first. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The data collection techniques are interviews, journals, books and documentation of the residents of Belimbing Jaya Village, Kab. Muara Enim. The theory used is the theory of symbolic interaction. The results of this study indicate that the phenomenon of flirting is meaningful as a messenger of children's communication to parents about the desire to get married and is used as a shortcut to marriage and good relationships between families of begubalan couples are dependent on how the family responds to this phenomenon. The phenomenon of begubalan does not immediately marry a couple but only becomes a message to parents about their child's desire to get married.
Keywords: Begubalan, Phenomenon, Meaning, Marriage.

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How to Cite
Jurnal Komunikasi Komunikasi Budaya Tradisi Pernikahan Begubalan (Studi Fenomena pada Masyarakat desa Belimbing Jaya, kecamatan belimbing, Kabupaten Muara Enim): Komunikasi Budaya Pernikahan. (2022). JSIKOM, 1(01), 77-86. https://jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/jsikom/article/view/12702

How to Cite

Jurnal Komunikasi Komunikasi Budaya Tradisi Pernikahan Begubalan (Studi Fenomena pada Masyarakat desa Belimbing Jaya, kecamatan belimbing, Kabupaten Muara Enim): Komunikasi Budaya Pernikahan. (2022). JSIKOM, 1(01), 77-86. https://jurnal.radenfatah.ac.id/index.php/jsikom/article/view/12702

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