The Impact of Cognitive Disorders on the Learning Environment and Students Responsible Character
Cognitive disorder, Learning Environment, Responsible CharacterAbstract
Cognitive impairment, characterized by challenges in information processing and attention concentration, is increasingly concerning within the educational sphere, particularly considering its impact on students' responsible character. This research examines the effect of cognitive impairment on the learning environment and its role in shaping students' responsibility. A quantitative methodology was employed, involving 204 high school students in Yogyakarta, using a survey. Data analysis was conducted through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Smart-PLS, ensuring the validity and reliability of the measurement model. The findings indicate that cognitive impairment significantly influences students' interactions with their learning environment, which in turn affects their development of responsible character. The results further confirm that the learning environment acts as a significant mediator between cognitive impairment and responsible character formation. This study highlights the need for educators and institutions to consider cognitive challenges when designing inclusive teaching strategies. Providing appropriate psycho-educational support and implementing individualized learning programs tailored to students’ cognitive needs are crucial in fostering responsibility among learners.References
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