This edition contains articles published from July to December 2024. Each article has undergone a rigorous process, including selection, peer review, and final editing. This process ensures that the published articles meet high standards of quality and scientific relevance. Thus, this edition is expected to make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Published: 08-07-2024

The Implementation of New Student Admissions Through the Zoning System

Sandika Putra, Afriantoni, Asep Rohman (Author)


The Concept of Leadership in Islam: An Analysis of Abuya Hamka's Thoughts

Fitrina Susanti, Lidya Fitri, Linda Wastri, Demina (Author)


Learning Planning Based on the Values of Religious Moderation

Mayang Sari, Junaidah Sari, Ahmad Fauzan (Author)


The Implementation of the Full Day School Program in Developing Students' Spiritual Intelligence

Joya Kirana Angelin Dalimoenthe, Saipul Annur, Rabial Kanada (Author)


The Role of the Madrasah Principal's Managerial Competence in Improving Education Quality

Ririn Kalrina, Mardiah Astuti, Hidayat, Nyimas Atika (Author)


Implementation of a Fraud Control Plan in the Management of School Operational Assistance Funds

Jono Antoni, Dedi Candira, Hamengkubuwono, Muhammad Istan (Author)


The Influence of Motivation, Work Environment, and Service on Employee Performance

Zalmah, Cecep Darmawan, Yani Restiani Widjaja, Jhon Riswanda (Author)
