The "El-Idare" Journal is a high-quality scholarly publication that focuses on contemporary issues in the field of educational management. Carrying Volume 9, Number 1, Year 2023, this journal provides a platform for academics and researchers to share knowledge, research findings, and innovative perspectives related to educational management. Each published article undergoes a rigorous selection process and is evaluated by experts in the field. With high editorial standards, "El-Idare" serves as a valuable reference for readers interested in the latest developments in educational management.

Published: 16-06-2023

Conflict Management at Bethesda College of Health Sciences Tomohon

Julita Inggrinne Nelwan, Cornelia Timpal (Author)


Learning Organization at State Islamic Senior High School 1 in Bandar Lampung City

Hera Suzana, Agus Pahrudin, Siti Patimah, Junaidah Junaidah, Sovia Mas Ayu (Author)


Human Resource Planning in Future Education

Theo Chanra Merentek, Tinneke Evie Sumual, Elni Jeini Usoh, Joni Kutu Kampilong (Author)


Funding Management at MTs Bahrul Ulum Krawang Sari Natar, South Lampung

Muhammad Indillah, Yetri Yetri, Amirudin Amirudin (Author)


Educational Curriculum Evaluation: Ensuring the Learning Process is In Accordance with Educational Objectives

Ibrahim Ibrahim, Ahmad Zainuri, Yunita Yunita, Rabial Kanada, Hidayat Hidayat (Author)


Strategies for Developing Teacher Professionalism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities

Hetwi Marselina Saerang, Jelly Maria Lembong, Shelty Deity Meity Sumual, Roos Marie Stella Tuerah (Author)


Implementation of Integrated Quality Management at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung

Putri Nadia, Siti Patimah, Subandi Subandi, Junaidah Junaidah, Sovia Mas Ayu (Author)


Induction and Supervision Program to Improve Teacher Competence at Salatiga City

Kabul Laksono, Fakhrun Nisa, Nur Rofiā€™ah, Rahmat Hariyadi (Author)


Analysis of Conformity of School Libraries Based on Library Standards (Case Study of MIS Bojongmalang Pangandaran)

Isyfi Agni Nukhbatillah, Uswatun Hasanah, Tatin Suhertin, Ai Robihatil Milah, Ajeng Tanjiah Setia Mukti (Author)


Archive Management in Improving Administrative Services at MAN 1 Kepahiang

Fitri Susanti, Murniyanto Murniyanto, Deriwanto Deriwanto (Author)


The Implementation of School Head Management as a Motivator in Improving the Quality of Teacher's Work

Helda Yusfarina Anggraini, Mukhamad Ilyasin, Akhmad Muadin (Author)
