The "El-Idare" Journal is a high-quality scholarly publication that focuses on contemporary issues in the field of educational management. Carrying Volume 9, Number 2, Year 2023, this journal provides a platform for academics and researchers to share knowledge, research findings, and innovative perspectives related to educational management. Each published article undergoes a rigorous selection process and is evaluated by experts in the field. With high editorial standards, "El-Idare" serves as a valuable reference for readers interested in the latest developments in educational management.

Published: 30-12-2023

Qom City as a Center for Shia Madzhab Education: History and Its Development

KM. Ridho El-Razy, Hasan Asari, KMS. Badaruddin, ST Zailia, Dina Fahira (Author)


The Role of the Curriculum in Achieving Educational Goals

Jumadil Ranto Mulia, Bermawi Nasution, Asmendri Asmendri, Milya Sari (Author)


The Role of Teachers in Forming the Character of Students at SDIT Al-Mizan Rengasdengklok

Ulpah Tri Anjani, Sya'roni Mas'shum, Saprialman Lubis (Author)


Integrating Islamic Values into Educational Leadership Practices: Building a Competitive Learning Environment

Nilna Azizatus Shofiyyah, Tedy Sutandy Komarudin, Miftahul Ulum (Author)


Analysis of Career Development for Employees in Educational Institutions

Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Achmad Wahyudin, Anis Zohriah (Author)


The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication of School Principals in the Perspective of The 5 Inevitable Laws of Effective Communication

Mardiah Astuti, Leny Marlina, Riska Fitriyanti, Dinda Rizki Andini, Muhammad Helmi Alam (Author)


The Role of School Principal in the Development of the Curriculum for Independent Learning

Eny Setyawati, Siti Patimah, Subandi Subandi, Deden Makbulloh (Author)


Implementation of Curriculum Management at Al-Masthuriyah Islamic Boarding School

Badrudin Badrudin, Amira Munaya, Arul Arul (Author)


The Headmaster's Supervision Strategies in Building Character Education at MIS Guppi 12 Lubuk Kembang.

Mardian Effendi, Jumira Warlizasusi, Emmi Kholillah Harahap (Author)


Development of School Culture and Climate Based on the Independent Learning Curriculum

Dewi Ningsih, Siti Patimah, Subandi Subandi, Deden Makbulloh (Author)


Transformational Leadership of Madrasah Principals in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum

Asri Yuni VikaSari, Anis Fauzi, Abdul Muin Bahaf, Agus Gunawan, Suherman Priatna (Author)
